Resource Library
The content below is a collection of all educational resources LHOS has created, including videos and study guides. Feel free to use them in a ministry setting or as individual resources.
Click on a category to show the topics included within that category. Then, click "Watch the Videos" to display corresponding videos, discussion questions, and study guides.
- First Article
- Second Article
- Third Article
- Baptism: What Is It?
- Baptism: What Is It Good For?
- Contains 25 videos providing an overview of the Bible
- Apostles’ Creed
- Baptism
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The Lord’s Supper
- Ten Commandments
- Changes in the Church: What is the Church?
- Changes in the Church: Education of a Preacher
- Changes in the Church: Changes in Worship
- Changes in the Church: Who Makes the Decisions?
- First Commandment
- Second Commandment
- Third Commandment
- Fourth Commandment
- Fifth Commandment
- Sixth Commandment
- Seventh Commandment
- Eighth Commandment
- Ninth & Tenth Commandments
- Here I Stand: Heidelberg Disputation
- Here I Stand: Diet of Worms
- Here I Stand: Augsburg Confession
- Here I Stand: The Royal Priesthood
- Galatians Session 1
- Is it possible to be selfless?
- How is the book of James helpful?
- Should we worry about what people think about us?
- Is God fair?
- Will God give me a high-five for what I do?
- Are our works always bad?
- How do we know the difference between active and passive righteousness?
- What is faith?
- Unpacking the concept of sin
- What is alien, or passive, righteousness?
- How does Galatians start to make the distinction between passive & active righteousness?
- What is proper, or active, righteousness?
- Can I not worry about sinning more?
- Galatians Session 2
- According to the Apostle Paul, what happens when we start adding things to the Gospel?
- The Law and Freedom
- What does the difference between pardon and parole have to do with all of this?
- Who cares about active and passive righteousness?
- What does the Gospel actually do?
- Authority: What is it?
- What is the Gospel?
- Why does Paul declare curses on his opponents?
- What is the difference between being a disciple and an apostle?
- What does it mean to experience an apocalypse?
- Can I not worry about sinning more?
- What is the difference between active and passive righteousness?
- How does this teaching affect one’s understanding of the role of a mom?
- What is the purpose of sacraments & what role do we play in receiving them?
- What is the function of forgiveness in our lives?
- How does one understand the Bible as authoritative?
- How do you communicate to your children?
- Galatians Session 3
- How do we talk about God’s plan when something bad happens?
- What in our heritage makes us doubt the Gospel?
- Is there a difference between legislating and proclaiming freedom?
- Why was Paul mad about circumcision?
- How do you respond to someone who says, “I don’t believe in God”?
- What did Luther mean when he said “sin and sin boldly”?
- Since we are declared righteous on account of our faith, how does this reflect on an atheist?
- What does Jesus do with us and our sin?
- How much faith is enough faith?
- What role do we play in our salvation when we ask for forgiveness?
- What does “For Christ’s namesake” mean?
- Galatians Session 4
- Universalism: What are the issues?
- Is there a simple way to say this?
- How similar is the Law/Gospel distinction to addiction recovery programs?
- If people aren’t baptized, is this message for them?
- Why does Paul write that trying to follow the Law is a curse?
- How does the message in Galatians impact parenting and our children?
- Paul says the Law increases sin. How so?
- Do we have to care about following the Law?
- How is a Christian made?
- What does it mean to say, “forgiveness isn’t fair”?
- Does being a Christian improve your life?
- Galatians Session 5
- Jesus uses your sin to save you. How so?
- Why does the Law not help save us?
- What is the devil’s mode of operating?
- Is the gospel a law?
- How do you reconcile salvation as receiving the promise of righteousness?
- Paul says Christ is a curse? How did this happen?
- Why wasn’t my grandmother praying for us?
- Galatians Session 6
- Does becoming a Christian change who you are?
- How does the experience of parenting relate to Christ becoming a curse?
- How does one lose their freedom as a Christian?
- How does God deal with our sin?
- How can you convince someone Christ has set them free?
- Galatians Session 7
- How does job security relate to our vocation?
- Is it possible to communicate with our children that we love them unconditionally?
- Why is Paul’s language so different?
- How is it we both fear and love God?
- Unexpected Consequences: Who Was Luther?
- Unexpected Consequences: What Was Luther Taught?
- Unexpected Consequences: 95 Theses
- Unexpected Consequences: Why Did People Get Upset?
- Unexpected Consequences: What Did it Start?
- Introduction
- First Petition
- Second Petition
- Third Petition
- Fourth Petition
- Fifth Petition
- Sixth Petition
- Seventh Petition
- Doxology and Amen
- What Is It?
- Who Is Worthy?
- The Means of Grace: Lord’s Supper
- Politics: The Politics of Luther’s Time
- Politics: The Role of Secular Leaders
- Politics: Defying the Pope
- Politics: When Can You Rebel?
- Politics: Luther and the Jews
- Spreading the Message: University
- Spreading the Message: Educating Pastors
- Spreading the Message: Educating Families
- Spreading the Message: Teaching vs. Preaching
- This series provides an in-depth look into all things Reformation.
- Word Alone
- Grace Alone
- Christ Alone
- Faith Alone
- Free To Be: Two Kinds of Righteousness
- Free To Be: Bound Will
- Free To Be: Apart From The Law
- Free To Be: Sin & Sin Boldly
- Law
- Gospel
- Sin
- Justified by Faith
- Good Works
- Always Reforming?
- What Happened After Luther?
- What Does it Mean to be Ecumenical?
- What Should the Church Do?
- Does Being Lutheran Matter Today?
- Baptism
- Lord’s Supper
- Office of the Keys
- A Sermon
- Printing Press
- Preaching
- Hymnody
- Artwork
- Purpose
- Authority
- Interpreting
- Translating
- How Should You Use It?
- From a Monk to a Pastor
- Whether Soldiers, too, Can be Saved
- Marriage & Family
- Where Does a Call Come From?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 1
- How is Luther’s approach to theology different?
- What should I expect when learning about Luther?
- What are two ways of doing theology?
- What does philosophy have to do with theology?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 2
- Was Luther born a Lutheran?
- Can you ever stop worrying about your sin?
- Why did Luther get rid of the idea of purgatory?
- Did Luther know what he was getting into?
- How did people react to the 95 Theses?
- Did market forces play a role in distributing the 95 Theses?
- How did Luther read the Bible?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 3
- Will a person choose freely to do something good?
- Why don’t philosophy and faith agree?
- Does God’s law help you with righteousness?
- Can I ever cast a correct vote in an election?
- How can “good works” be your problem?
- Why don’t we like predestination?
- How do you know if you have done a good work?
- Do you have a free will?
- Can a Christian ever be ethically right?
- Can we cooperate with God in good works?
- Despair about your good works: Why?
- What makes a Christian righteous?
- How is forgiveness a trap?
- Can we decide to be humble?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 4
- What got Luther in trouble?
- Can you stop being selfish?
- What makes God a righteous judge?
- Justification by faith: How did Luther get there?
- How did the Bible shift Luther’s understanding?
- Can we make a decision for Christ?
- How do Lutherans decide how to vote?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 5
- What is the relationship between the Law and good works?
- Is following the speed limit breaking the law?
- What is the difference between human laws and God’s law?
- What does the word “Law” mean according to Luther?
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 6
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 7
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 8
- Why I Am A Lutheran Session 9